Monday, October 31, 2011

A New Day Begins Again...

I Only Wanted Love, Heartache’s What I Got,
I Only Dreamt Of Peace, But The War Within Raged On...
Trapped In the Pyre Of Hatred And Deceit, I Struggled To Leap Free,
But The Vines Of Evil Gripped Me Fiercely
My Soul Burnt With Agony It Couldn’t Withhold,
Seeking A Way Out of This Hellhole...
Grappling and Clawing Throu the Remains of My Dreams,
I Sought To Save Whatever I Could Reap
Suddenly, A Ray of Hope and Peace Lit Up the Debris,
Revealing That All Was Not Lost and In Disarray
Shattered Dreams They Maybe..
But They Are Mine and They Are Here To Stay..
As I Gather The Tattered Bits Together, A New Day Begins Again....

                                                                        Author: Radhika Arora

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chicken Loaf-Satisfies Hunger Pangs Without Guilt!

One too bright a sunny afternoon, I was talking to a friend of mine about how we tend to view western cuisine as something of a nightmare to cook when it isn’t all that difficult once you get past the seemingly complicated ingredients and techniques. Rather, cooking Indian food is what gives me the shivers!
For quite a while now, I have been having this hankering for trying out my hand with meatloaf..guess I wanted to try it out after reading all those romantic novels in which the TDH {tall, dark & handsome !;) } hero walks into his kitchen and is hit with an awesome aroma of meatloaf baking in the oven and the beautiful heroine is slaving over the hot stove making mashed potatoes to win his heart!:-p
Ah..meatloaf and romance..funny when I think about it now but well..i am a staunch believer that food and love are best of friends forever!!!

Now, back to reality of making a meatloaf-I  didn’t want to use beef or pork due to the fat content in these meats so decided to stick to chicken. Also, someone who cannot stand in the kitchen slaving over the stove [after all I don’t have any TDH guy in my life right now so why should I be a heroine!!], I wanted to find a recipe that was low fat, easy and quick! And, after some good 10-15 minutes of in-depth research on the World Wide Web, I came across a recipe that I could tweak as per my convenience without going nuts over trying to gather the ingredients.
My guinea pig of the day was my dear brother who is not found of trying out new things [or maybe he has now become scared after being a guinea pig to my experiments!!] and he found it to be “OKish”. However, I have bookmarked it as a repeat because cold meatloaf sandwiches with Dijon mustard and thousand island dressing taste absolutely wonderful the next day J

Chicken Loaf with Mashed Potatoes & Steamed Veggies

500g Chicken mince
3 egg whites
2/3 cup bread crumbs
1/3 cup chopped tomatoes
1/3 cup chopped onion
1/3 cup chopped capsicum
1/3 cup tomato sauce
1 Tbsp Tabasco sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

1.      Combine all the ingredients together and put mixture into a greased loaf tin
2.      Preheat oven to 180c and cook for 30-40 minutes.
3.      Bake till it is crisp on the top and the skewer comes out clean.

Rest the meatloaf for 5-10 minutes before taking it out of the loaf tin and slicing it.

Serve with homemade sauce on top and mashed potatoes and steamed veggies/ salad on the side.

Recipe for Homemade Sweet n Tangy Meatloaf Sauce
½ Cup Tomato Sauce
¼ Cup Brown Sugar
2 tsp Tabasco Sauce
1 tsp Marmite
1 tsp Balsamic/White Vinegar
1 tsp Soya Sauce
1-2 cloves of finely chopped garlic

1.      Mix together all the ingredients and bring to a quick boil or till the sugar is dissolved.
2.      Cool the sauce to room temperate and serve it on top of the meatloaf.

Kindly adjust ingredients as per taste as this was my idea of throwing together whatever I had on hand! J

 Please do try the recipe and leave your feedback and commentsJ