Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Like An Jilted Lover...

You kept me up all night,
Makin' me hot n sweaty the whole long long night,
Tried to sleep but you snatched away my right to dream,
Distracting me with your antics,
Making me forget its a working night....
Without mercy, you played hide and seek,
A jilted lover avenging justice...
Now, with the sun pushing his weight around,
You still insist on torturing me some more...
Have mercy..for old times sake i beg,
Don't act funny throughout the day, i request
Make peace not war...
Not just me but whole of the city adores you more so...
Oh darlin' electricity...please love me some more...
Don't drive me crazy no more!!

                                                    --Radhika Arora

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

One Love....

Loving you doesn't make me hate you less,
Hating you doesn't take away the pain....
Like a drifter seeking shelter in a storm,
You walked into my heart,
Only to vanish back into the dark...
Taking with you the light of life away,
Leaving my soul marred...
Dare I trust another stranger not to stab at these open wounds, I wonder...
Dare I not fall back into the despairing abyss of hurt you left behind, the thought thunders..
Like a dying flame seeking breath of soul,
My essence seeks you, my heart cries for you...Only One Love..Only Love